Saturday, November 15, 2014


An eminent Kuchipudi dancer, an art, design and media lecturer, a Guinness Book of World Record holder –  Abhinaya Nagajothy.
Abhinaya is a charming and down to earth girl and undoubtedly an amazing Kuchipudi dancer. With big bright eyes and and a pretty smile she made me her fan. .I got a chance to do her profile shoot at Khajuraho Festival of Dances  where she had performed.

Let me share my spiritual connection with Abhinaya then a beautiful friendship with the eminent dancer. I was shooting the event at Khajuraho festival of dances and she had to perform with two more amazing dancers of different classical dance forms. I saw Abhinaya from my view finder in a bright yellow and pink dress with beautiful traditional jewellery and make up, she was looking like a Goddess, I just could not remove my eyes from her.. with poised expression and a mudras, as she entered the stage and I saw her through my camera’s view finder I thought as if a beautiful Goddess coming down from heaven.

Any how I managed to click a few pics as she along with her co dances started performing, but slowly I was so mesmerized that I don’t even remember when I had stopped shooting pictures. I was just out of the world watching her perform, trying to stop my self from shedding tears or rather I would say I was trying to get my self back to this world.. having tears in my eyes and goose bums all over my feet got stuck to the ground and I stood at the very spot where I was shooting, I could not move a bit till her performance was over.
When she finished her performance and was coming from the back stage.. I simply ran towards her putting my full strength..I think at that moment I was totally out of the world and just wanted to meet her before she goes back .. yes! I thought she is a Goddess and she would go back, I wanted to check whether she was real or not. When I reached her she was taking to media personals in English with spectacles on her eyes.. I suddenly came back to world .. Yeh It sounds strange..but yes she made me feel out of the world and I had that great spiritual connection with her.

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